Monday, February 21, 2011

Gift of the Outcast: Chapter 7 (story)

NOTE:  All chapters can be found by going to the labels gadget on the right side of the page and clicking on the label of the chapter number you wish to read *example: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, etc.*

DISCLAIMER:  I do not claim to own Naruto or any of its subsidiaries.  This is simply fanfiction.  However, I do own my OCs.

Hey, peoplz!  Sorry I'm late in getting this posted, but at least it's only a few days overdue.  Anyway, this chapter has a lot of fluff and conversation.  Not much action to speak of.  I've found Kyo is getting kind of mary-sue, so I'll try to tone that down.  Here's the dictionary!

Kuchiyose no Jutsu -- Summoning jutsu
Gaki -- brat
Kami -- god/deity
Ryuu -- dragon
-sama -- an honorific showing great respect for someone
Chakra Exhaustion -- when shinobi use up too much of their chakra, it can cause serious health issues and even death
Ningen -- human
Baa-chan -- grandma

                                                               Chapter 7  

The greenette flashed a hand-sign. “Kuchiyose no Jutsu!

Deidara flicked his eyes towards her, slightly shocked. When did she learn the Summoning Jutsu?


The tell-tale smoke cloud erupted from Kyo's position, quickly enveloping the surrounding area, including Tsunade.

The blonde Akatsuki had to squint just to see the green glow of the Hokage's chakra-charged fist. As he watched, his eyes widened. The faint glow rammed forward, presumably straight at Kyo. He opened his mouth to shout warning, but—


. . . .what?

His eyes narrowed as a shadow rose from the ground, seeming to writhe slightly as it shifted upward. It took a tentative step forward. Deidara hissed slightly as the ground beneath him shook.

Kuso! What the hell did she summon?

A low growl rumbled through the now partly destroyed streets.


Deidara stumbled backwards as the Godaime Hokage shot backwards, slamming one of the many buildings. For a moment, the blonde woman's limp form hung there, suspended, before she slumped unceremoniously to the ground.

His eyes widened, locking back on the smoke clad summoning. Silence reigned for several tense seconds, though, to Deidara, it could have been an hour.

Well, that's done!” Kyo's voice reverberated through the streets, seemingly chipper to any outside observer. Of course many of those who would have been outside observers were already incapacitated or dead, so it didn't matter much. However, Deidara's blue eyes narrowed at the underlying panting.

And what exactly did I finish, gaki?

Deidara nearly jumped out of his skin as a low, rumbling voice sounded. And said voice sounded very, very annoyed.

The cloud of smoke slowly dissipated, leaving the blonde to gape at the scene in front of him.

He'd seen toad summonings, building summonings, weapons summonings, mouse summonings, etc. Heck, he'd even seen someone summon a pencil before. But never in his life had he seen this type of summoning.

Sitting with its tail curled around its feet, sat a magnificent, ebony dragon, eyes closed in an evidently pained and annoyed expression. Yeah, that's right. A dragon. Not something you see every day.

And Kyo was perched on its head, tapping her good hand against the top of its brow and swinging her legs playfully as she stared down at its shut eyes. “Ah, just a little skirmish I was having.”

That you were losing. Deidara thought mutinously.

A little skirmish? And I suppose I'm a rabbit right?



The creature sighed testily, a vein on its temple pulsing slightly. “Well?

She wet her lips with a quick swipe of her tongue. “There's a perfectly good reason!”


The greenette promptly ignored the snark. “You see, I was just helping out my buddy Deidara.” She pointed down at the blonde who instantly shot her a murderous glare.


The dragon's left eye lazily blinked open.

A gasp escaped the blonde's lips as bile bubbled in the back of his throat. What the. . .

Its gaze bored into his very soul, causing the strings of Deidara's heart to twang nervously. Bloodshot veins snaked through the luminescent blue orb where no pupil or iris was visible, rupturing the frightening glow that appeared as lightning. As if that wasn't enough, a dangerous black licked at the edges of the glare, sending icy chills down the Akatsuki member's spine.

If looks could kill. . . .

A smirk traced its way across the monster's face, curling the edges of its lips upward to reveal a set of gnarled, yellow teeth the approximate size and shape of carving knives.

Deidara took a cautious step back, tensing his legs to run.

Like I'd get very far.

Hey, you t—oh, Kami.” Three gazes turned towards the shinobi who stood there, staring at them, knees nearly shaking as he attempted to step back. Not all of the gazes were human.

Before either Deidara or the dragon could move, the man was frozen solid.

A low bark of laughter escaped the towering monstrosity's mouth. “Well, that was stupid, gaki.

Deidara blinked, effectively breaking his stare from the ebony creature as he glanced upward at Kyo. The greenette stood there, seemingly dumbstruck for a moment.
Yes, yes, it was,” she mumbled under her breath, so quiet that the blonde had to strain his ears just to pick up a hint the sound. Her knees wobbled dangerously before collapsing in on themselves, sending her toppling to ground, or in this case, a dragon's forehead.

Kyo, un? KYO!” Deidara had never been one for all that caring, friendly, BFF stuff. He actually found it irritating and slightly disturbing. But when his childhood acquaintance simply collapses, and on a dragon's head no less, certain instincts kick in.

The dragon shook its neck and flicked its almost deer-like ears in irritation, growling as Deidara took a cautious step forward.

The blonde immediately froze as the creature stared down at him.

It snorted, almost amused as it examined one of its many sickle-shaped claws. “Yes?

Deidara rolled his tongue around his suddenly dry mouth, careful to keep his gaze from the strikingly neon eyes. Take it slow. Respect and honor. Taking a deep breath, he stated in a monotonous voice, “Do I have permission to treat her, un, Ryuu-sama?”

It grinned, sending unpleasant shivers down the blonde's spine. “Oh, I like you. It's a rarity for to find ningen with any respect for their superiors, especially with the gaki of today. However, address me by name. Ryuu-sama is so. . . .stilted.” Its frightening smile grew.

The Akatsuki member swallowed slightly, though otherwise remained unaffected by the disturbing expression. “And what would your name be, Ryuu-sama, un?”

You may address me as Shichirou-sama.

The blonde bowed slightly. Male judging by the name. “Hai, Shichirou-sama, un.”

The dragon did not even attempt to show him the same courtesy. “Do as you wish, ningen. It's a pain for me to stay here anyway.” He stretched his wings, shadowing the street in darkness. “But, as you seem to be a rather acceptable ningen, I might warn you that an army of shinobi is approaching. Plus, the strong-woman is stirring.” He chuckled as the blonde Akatsuki paled.

We don't stand a chance against the Godaime. Heck, right now, a couple of Chuunin could probably take us out.

Deidara trance was broken as Shichirou shook his ebony head, dislodging the unconscious Kyo from her already precarious perch.

Kuso!” The blonde dove forward, gasping and falling to his knees as Kyo toppled into his arms, her head lolling back dangerously.

Chakra exhaustion. Deidara thought as he checked the greenette's pulse.

Shichirou grinned once more as he prepared to return to the place from which he was summoned.


Slightly startled, he turned a glowing blue eye to where Deidara knelt, panting. The Akatsuki met the monstrosity’s gaze, forcing himself not to flinch. “If you leave us here, we'll die, un.”

Not my problem. In fact, it would actually be a bonus if the gaki died. I wouldn't keep getting woken up during my naps.” The dragon stared almost mournfully at the sky.
I wouldn't blame him. Deidara quickly rid his mind of the thought. “But. . .” He quickly scanned his mind for a valid reason for the monster to stay.

I don't have all day, ningen.” Shichirou whipped his tail impatiently as he once again turned to leave.

Ignoring the quick jab, Deidara racked his brain, skimming over his experiences with the boisterous greenette. Suddenly, his eyes widened in recognition. Of course.

Because without her, nothing's interesting, un,” he yelped.

The dragon paused. “Hm?

The blonde continued, the fervency in his voice growing by the second. “Life gets really boring, un. Nothing's new. If she died, what would you do all day, un?”

Shichirou sighed, getting a dreamy look in his neon eyes. “Nap.”

And then what, un!” Deidara barked violently, balling his fists until the knuckles turned white. “Nothing, un. That's what!”

The black monster rolled its eyes. At least, that's what Deidara thought it did. It was kind of hard to tell seeing as Shichirou lacked pupils. “Look here, ningen. I have a nap to return to and you're annoying me. The last person who annoyed me in such a way was incinerated into an unrecognizable splotch of red.

So what? I'll die anyway. Might as well go out with a bang, un!” the blonde spat venomously.

Deidara's rant was thrown off track when the monstrosity grinned abruptly, causing the Akatsuki member to rethink his previous statement. “Fine.

The blonde's mouth dropped, arms hanging limply at his sides as he struggled to come up with an articulate retort. “Huh?” Not the quality response he hoped for.

Shichirou flicked his tail in irritation. “I'm already here. And besides, without the gaki, I'd have no stories to tell at taverns.

Wait. Ryuu have taverns, un?”

Of course, what do you think we do when we're not napping? Baka ningen,” the dragon muttered, eyeing the crouching Deidara almost suspiciously. “Well? Hurry up! I have a nap to return to. Plus, the strong woman woke up.

The blood drained from the blonde's face as he slowly turned.

Gah.” Something groaned from under a heap of rubble, and, slowly but surely, Tsunade rose to her knees. “What the hell.” Her stare rested upon the monstrous 30-foot form of Shichirou, shock clear, but it was quickly distorted by hateful satisfaction as she noticed Deidara crouching over the limp and bruised form of Kyo.
Deidara couldn't exactly blame her. She had every right to be irritated. However, if the Godaime Hokage was irritated, it was best to vacate the surrounding hundred miles.

With great urgency, the blonde took his own advice to heart. Picking Kyo up bridal-style, he ran towards the complacent-looking Shichirou, every step shaking his already battered body to the very bone.

Just a few more steps. Though, even if he could reach the dragon, Deidara had no plan about how to get on the dragon. He pushed the discrepancy to the back of his mind.



Out of the corner of his eye, Deidara watched in despair as Tsunade stood, her fist already glowing ominously.

Shichirou simply snorted, closing his neon eyes in impatience and showing no hint of offering help.

The Hokage paused, glancing between the silent, yet monstrous Ryuu and the fleeing criminals, calculating her chances of success. Her dull gaze sparked at the dragon's show of indifference. “DIE!”


Deidara's eyes widened in horror as Tsunade leaped towards them, face twisted in rage.

I won't let you harm us again.




How'd you like it?  I'll try to get Chapter 8 up soon.

Peace out!


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