Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Something Needs (poem)

Something Needs by KobaltWolf

Something needs
The little wheel barrow
That carries off the needless dirt
Away from the man-made hollow.

And something needs
The tiny rain-drop
That platters down the red-tiled roof
To bring life to the planted crop.

Something needs
The newly-grown crocus
That struggles through the winter soil
And colors the whitened canvas.

So tell me

Who needs me?


I have been having an extremely rotten day.  First, I was working on a comic strip for five freakin' hours when my brother suddenly comes over and unplugs my laptop's power source causing the graphics card to freeze because of a faulty update.  I had to turn the entire computer off, losing all my work. And then, I was cleaning my trombone and accidentally cut myself on the sharp edge of the slide, but, guess what, WE HAVE NO BAND-AIDS.  Thirdly, my family is obsessed with my brother's college venture, meaning that I am completely ignored.  I mean honestly.  They started making lunch and forgot that I needed to eat as well.  And FINALLY, I discovered that we have an ANT INFESTATION.  And the infestation just happens to be where I keep all my watercolors so I'm worried that the images were damaged and I have to look through them one-by-one.  >:(  So I am SERIOUSLY TICKED OFF.

*takes deep breath*  Okay, I'm sorry.  I just really needed to vent.  Now I'll move on to the more relevant subject: this poem.

Basically, this poem just sums up all my current feelings.  Why am I here?  What does my existence really do to impact the world?. . .and I realized that I'm just having what I call the-grass-is-greener-on-the-other-side-of-the-fence-syndrome.  I'm envying my brother because he's getting all the attention, when because he's getting all the attention, he has no free time.  Free-time is an essential necessity of my being, so therefore I concluded that my brother acting as a human-shield could actually be a good thing.  Go figure, huh?

I'm envying everyone else, thinking that they have a better life than me, but they in fact probably have pretty much the same problems and trivialities.  Now, I have come to realize this fault of mine, however, the hard part is fixing it.

This poem was written as a rhetorical question towards myself.  "Who needs me?"  The winning answer: myself.  I need me so as to better myself so that I can make an impact on the world (preferably for the good :P).

So anyways, peace out peoplz!


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