Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Mothers (poem)

I did this just today when I was really board.  So, hope you like it!

Mothers by KobaltWolf

A mother brings you into life,
Kicking and screaming though you might,
And she will hold your pudgy face,
With care and love to win every race.

A mother holds your hand in life,
Though your hand's like a dead fish at times,
And she helps you cross the busy road
And always make it to the other side.

A mother pushes you far in life,
Though you dig your heels in the dirt to fight,
And she will not ever take no,
As an answer and tells you again to go.

A mother nags you all the time in life,
Though you hold your breath until you turn a pretty shade of blue,
And she'll tell you to finish your homework,
And then rush you to the emergency room.

A mother embarrasses you all the time in life,
Though you shift as far away as possible in the shopping store,
And then she'll check you for your pant size,
And your cheeks will turn as red as wine.

A mother does all these things in life,
Though you might not like some, or many,
They all pass eventually,
Though, a mother does do one thing throughout life,
And it should be noted that she doesn't take any breaks. . . .

She loves you.

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